Why do organisations fail at change?
September 30, 2022
organisational leadership change diagram

Why do organisations fail at change?

According to John Kotter, 70%-85% of all projects and programs that require people to adapt to new ways fail. Once an organisation makes a change, many organisations boomerang back to what the business used to be.

There could be numerous reasons for the failure; however, the most pivotal ones are the lack of senior team alignment, communication, poor implementation and no change management capability. The leadership requirements of leading a transformation differ from a generic senior leadership role. Business transformations are effectively remodelling and maintaining the new model, which many senior leaders do not have the experience and practical skills to deliver.

Why do organisations fail at change?

Leadership is arguably the most frequent reason why organisational change fails. Most problems within a given change programme are solved, caused or prevented by the skill of the change leaders in charge. However, leaders are not trained effectively to be skilful change leaders; change leadership development is lacking and must become prioritised. Leaders cannot operate change programmes like they run their organisations as they are too different.

However, leaders deserve support, knowledge, and encouragement to implement change. Once leaders have the training they need to be successful, they can implement the mechanisms to help embed new habits that will become consistent and widespread.

Are your leaders equipped to change your organisation?

If they are not, arrange a call with us. We can ensure your leaders are ready for tomorrow’s changes.

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