
What Traits does a Emotionally Intelligent Leader have?

What Traits does a Emotionally Intelligent Leader have?

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is another way to measure intelligence outside of merely Intellectual Quotation (IQ). It is the ability to recognise and manage your emotions, understand what they tell you, and realise how they affect others. In addition, it’s about...

5 Key Benefits of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership 

5 Key Benefits of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership 

There are extensive benefits to high EQ leadership. Let’s look at what they are.    1. Self-Awareness Benefits  Self-aware people view themselves as a work in progress, continually evolving. As a result, they are open to learning ways to improve. Professional...

Cultural Transformation – What is it & Why Does it Matter?

Cultural Transformation – What is it & Why Does it Matter?

“Company culture is the backbone of any successful organisation.”  Gary Vaynerchuk  Most of you will agree that organisational culture is vital and lays the foundations for everything else. But a healthy culture doesn’t always happen organically. Often, organisational...

Benefits of Continuous Improvement

Benefits of Continuous Improvement

In today's fast-paced business world, standing still is the same as falling behind. That's why embracing continuous improvement is not just beneficial; it's essential for staying competitive and achieving operational excellence. This comprehensive guide explores the...

Willy Wonka Experience Glasgow: Lessons Learned

Willy Wonka Experience Glasgow: Lessons Learned

In a scenario reminiscent of a Roald Dahl story, the recent "Willy Wonka Experience" in Glasgow, Scotland, serves as a cautionary tale about the intersection of customer expectations, AI technology, and event planning. Here's what unfolded, followed by crucial lessons...

From Process to Pandemonium

From Process to Pandemonium

There’s a silent crisis unfolding in organisations worldwide. Symptoms include a stall in innovation, plummeting efficiency, and subsequent problems for colleagues and customers. Not exactly a clean bill of health!   So, who or what is to blame for this crisis?...

How to Manage Different Generations in the Workplace

How to Manage Different Generations in the Workplace

This may be a delicate question for some, but we will ask it anyway! Which generation do you belong to? Baby Boomer, Generation X, Millenium (Y), or Generation Z?  Age should be irrelevant in the workplace, with everyone being treated equally. But in reality, there is...

What can Management do when they have the Soft Skills?

What can Management do when they have the Soft Skills?

The Importance of Coaching   How do you manage the individuals in your team? Do you instruct, or do you inspire? We wholeheartedly believe the latter is more effective. However, inspiring managers are more often the exception as opposed to the rule, as evidenced by...

Factors Driving Change

Factors Driving Change

After our blog that discusses the psychological, social and biological factors all working against humans who wish to make a change, this begs the question of why and how anyone ever makes a change. Tony Robbins put it best when he said:  ‘Change happens when the pain...

Importance of adapting and evolving in business

Importance of adapting and evolving in business

In the ever-shifting landscape of business, one truth reigns supreme: change is inevitable. From the tides of technological advancements to the ripples of shifting customer demands, organisations must navigate the tumultuous waters to adaptation or risk being swept...


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