Mindset Indicator Monitor™

Making the invisible - visible!

Our Mindset Indicator Monitor is an innovative platform designed to assess the mindsets of individuals and organisations in less than 4.5 minutes.

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Genius Solutions

This advanced tool provides deep insights into attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours, enabling targeted interventions that foster a growth-oriented culture and drive personal and organisational success.


At the heart of the Mindset Indicator is its comprehensive assessment capability. The platform evaluates various mindset factors, including growth vs. fixed mindset, resilience, adaptability, and openness to change. By analysing these dimensions, the tool helps identify areas where mindset shifts can significantly impact performance and development.< ... Read More

The Mindset Indicator Monitor™

Data Informed Interventions

Data Informed Interventions

The Indicator's intelligent data analytics enable us to design targeted interventions within your ...
Uncovering Talent

Uncovering Talent

We uncover talent using our Mindset Indicator Monitor™. This innovative tool identifies ...


The Indicator uses the data to benchmark high-performing teams within your organisation with a ...


The Mindset Indicator Monitor™ helps organisations post-reorganisation by selecting employees ...
Culture Change

Culture Change

The Mindset Indicator Monitor™ aids culture change programmes by providing real-time ...
Change Programmes

Change Programmes

The Mindset Indicator Monitor™ supports change programmes by providing real-time insights ...

Understand where the challenges will be in your organisation using the Mindset Indicator Monitor.

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Intelligent Insight to remove the pain of Change Programmes

Using the Mindset Indicator to assess a workplace's openness to change provides valuable data and insights that can significantly enhance a change programme. By understanding employees' attitudes and readiness for change, leaders can tailor their strategies to address specific concerns, build trust, and foster a positive environment for transformation. This data enables the identification of potential resistance early on, allowing for targeted interventions and communication plans that align with the workforce's mindset.


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Explore your blind spots, expand your self-awareness with our transformative feedback platform aligned to an organisation's goals.

Culture Audit

Our Masters in Culture platform generates a comprehensive analysis of your organisation's culture and colleague engagement.

MiM LaaS

Elevate your efficiency, streamline your operations, and achieve your goals with ease through our innovative learning-as-a-service solution.


Feature Insights

Mindset, Attitudes and Behaviours

April 29, 2024

The Mindset of Change Leaders

Having spent over 20 pragmatic years creating and leading change in organisations and also having studying it academically I believe I have a good take on it by now!

I’ve learned that there is a difference between change management and change leadership. There is more sustainable success when our mindset is focused on leading it as well as managing it.

Bear in mind the definitions of Change vs Transformation.

Change resolves the past

Change requires becoming familiar with the current situation, and working to make things better, faster, and cheaper. The past is the fundamental reference point and actions are intended to alter what has already happened. Success is judged by efficiencies and economies that are realised at the end of our effort, compared with when you started. When you choose change, your future is a reconditioned, or improved, version of the past.

Transformation creates the future

Bringing your preferred future to life requires transformation – revisiting your purpose, the beliefs that drive your decisions, and the impacts of your products and services. It is important to acknowledge the past, complete it, and let it go. Create and move to the new.

Leading change is different from change management

Change management is a well-thought-out set of approaches and tools that support change, often at a project level. It happens in parallel to the project to make sure the business solution is implemented and that people adopt the new behaviours associated with it. It focuses on understanding the difference between the current state and future state, creating communication and training plans, identifying early adopters and resisters, and paving the way for the business outcome to be reached. The change management toolkit is a very important one that should be part of projects that introduce change — but it’s not enough.

Leading change is something very different. Fundamentally, it’s about creating and communicating a vision for change not directly tied to a project or initiative. It’s about making change part of your culture’s DNA. Where it really rocks is when the organisation is consciously and intentionally defining and building the culture it desires and it recognises that change leadership and management is a critical element.

It is transformational, envisioning and driving the business solution, not simply implementing it.

Change leadership creates a mindset across the organisation that focuses on what could or should be different, rather than asking people to simply adopt an already determined solution.

It removes the shackles of how we do things and asks people to truly engage in the change: to become part of creating a solution. It enables others to think differently, moving change along more rapidly and more efficiently, even while it creates a sense of upheaval. It is what makes people say “I have to be part of this,” creating momentum and a desire to continually move to the next phase or next level.

To lead change, don’t just behave differently — think differently

The great change leaders I’ve known have a different mindset than change managers. They aren’t trying to contain change. They’re trying to make it contagious, embedding change thinking into everything from the most fundamental daily interaction to the most complex strategy. To make change contagious, you start with a compelling vision.

A great example: A COO was consolidating eight sales and service support functions into a single shared services organisation. Rather than having a small team of executives determine how to integrate the organisation, he identified cross-level change teams to redefine processes, pull out redundancy, and build new relationships. The only direction he gave was to deliver the vision and meet the timelines that many considered impossible. They met those requirements and more.

In addition to the vision, great change leaders hold up examples of people who are igniting change within the organisation. That same COO led a two-day offsite session for the 300 people who made up the new division. He shared success stories, including the highest score in the company’s recent engagement survey and wins that occurred with customers and individuals who embodied the vision, and engaged everyone there in conversations about how to continue to adapt and change the organisation to deliver the customer experience. The energy in the session was palpable.

Talking and sharing examples every chance you get, from the most casual conversations to the largest events, builds belief, confidence, and engagement.

Focus on building trust, the bed-rock of alignment, engagement, and high performance.

According to Edelman’s Trust Barometer for 2013, one of the largest studies of its kind; only 18% of people trust their business leaders to tell the truth.

Change is about asking people to follow you into the unknown. If there isn’t trust, no one is going with you. Research by Donald L. Ferrin and Kurt T. Dirks showed that the greater the uncertainty the greater the impact of trust on outcomes and results. To lead change, the table stakes are that you’re credible and reliable.

In addition to the vision, great change leaders hold up examples of people who are igniting change within the organisation. That same COO led a two-day offsite session for the 300 people who made up the new division. He shared success stories — including the highest score in the company’s recent engagement survey, wins that occurred with customers and individuals who embodied the vision — and engaged everyone there in conversations about how to continue to adapt and change the organisation to deliver the customer experience. The energy in the session was palpable.

Talking and sharing examples every chance you get, from the most casual conversations to the largest events, builds belief, confidence and engagement.

Focus on building trust, the bed-rock of alignment, engagement, and high performance. According to Edelman’s Trust Barometer for 2013, one of the largest studies of its kind, only 18% of people trust their business leaders to tell the truth.

Change is about asking people to follow you into the unknown. If there isn’t trust, no one is going with you. Research by Donald L. Ferrin and Kurt T. Dirks showed that the greater the uncertainty the greater the impact of trust on outcomes and results. To lead change, the table stakes are that you’re credible and reliable.

To be a great change leader, connect with people authentically and be real with them about what change means and how it happens.

Be comfortable with the discomfort of change but work to increase others’ comfort with it. When change gets bumpy or goes badly, it can be frustrating and scary. Change leaders know that not everyone will experience the same emotions — that, across the organisation, the emotions will run the gamut. Don’t allow it to become the elephant in the room. Notice it, steer into it, leverage it, and maybe even embrace it.

Always create a ‘listening zone’ – a session focused on open discussion about the current changes — how are they going, how are people feeling about them, and what can be adapted to address negative emotions and accelerate change. Even small change puts us into the change curve (Kubler-Ross) either consciously or unconsciously – it is a skill to recognise this in ourselves and others. It’s this emotional element that often blocks the pace of change – where the resistance exists.

So, a change leader’s emotional intelligence and resilience are a vital aspect of their capability.

Finally, great change leaders know that change is not an event. It’s a dynamic that ebbs and flows but never goes away. Sometimes it’s large; sometimes it’s small. It’s a continual part of life in the organisation.

Above all else, change leaders hate the status quo. But, they don’t just change for change’s sake. They change to take advantage of opportunities and stay ahead of the competition. If you want to stay ahead, assess your mindset.

Take a step back and look at your attitude towards change.

Are you trying to constrain change or make it contagious?

Have you done the groundwork to make that happen — creating and communicating a compelling vision, leveraging every conversation, and building trust?

Do you have the change leader’s mindset or the change manager’s mindset?

Do you think it’s possible to develop a change leader’s mindset?

Do you want to?

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Mindset, Attitudes and Behaviours

April 26, 2024

Growth Mindset: Lessons learned are in the past …

… The future is where you apply it. 

Survival of the fittest

161 years on and Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution feels very poignant. The need to embrace change or face possible extinction is perhaps too black and white in businessHowever, words like ‘adapting’ or ‘evolving’ to meet the needs of a changing environment do ring true. And as we head into 2021 and beyond, “survival of the fittest” holds more weight than ever before. Ambitious businesses don’t want to ‘survive’ it but rather create environments where their people and business can ‘thrive’.  

The digital acceleration in 2021 has been eye-watering for many.  In a recent survey, Mckinsey reported that businesses once mapped digital strategy in one-to-three-year phases now they must scale their initiatives in a matter of days or weeks. Notably, this puts increasing pressure on Leadership teams to learn quickly what is/is not working and why.   

What is the people impact of change? 

How do you ensure that your workforce is ready to keep up the pace of change? Are you leading in ways that enable your workforce to flourish and thrive? Significantly, 50% of the UK workforce are Millennials/Generation Z (Source: Institute of Leadership and Management). These generations are tech-savvy. They’re at ease with quick and efficient procedures driven by email, social networks, and databases. Millennials and Gen Z can adapt easily to new technologies and they’re ambitious. Moreover, they are not afraid to move on if they feel there’s limited growth opportunity. In addition, their energy is infectious.  

Leadership that resonates with your workforce 

The average age in the C Suite is 56 (Source: Nasdaq survey Jan 2020) making them Generation X (give or take a few years). To this end, the pandemic has challenged everything they once took for granted. As Generation X look to lead Millennials’ and Generation Z to a better future, do they really know how their workforce is ticking? 

People Surveys 

Every business has had to communicate more frequently with their workforce during 2020.  At the very least employers have engaged with colleagues about Business Continuity and Public Health Information. However, many companies have engaged with more frequent and different ways to inform and listen to their workforce, such as:  

  1. Annual Surveys  to understand the employee experience and gauge engagement and intention to stay.
  2. Pulse Surveys –to get results/feedback for a project like training or culture.  Often used to focus on issues like diversity and inclusion to measure progress since the last survey.
  3. Always on – used throughout the year and increasingly so this year, to get ad hoc employee feedback to spot trending issues/concerns.

But do any of these reports indicate whether your workforce has the mindset needed to share and deliver the transformation needed to thrive?  

Growth Mindset 

Businesses will be forced to evolve and transform working practices to create a better future. Therefore, nurturing growth mindset working practices will be key to the pace and scale of transformation facing business. 

To illustrate, Professor Carol Dweck’s research linked a growth mindset with many benefits in business including: 

  • higher motivation.
  • lower stress, anxiety, and depression.
  • better work relationships.
  • higher performance levels.


Do you have a Fixed or a Growth mindset?


Does my workforce have a Growth or Fixed Mindset? 


These are three indicators to consider:

  1. Do they fear feedback or failure? Are they asking for feedback on how they and their team are doing? Do they own and share their mistakes? 

  2. Does your team reward effort, not outcomes? Do they give feedback and show appreciation for the efforts and learning they can see unfolding rather than just the outcomes achieved? 

  3. Does the business invest in training and development, create cultures of self-examination, and encourage open communication and teamwork? 

only two weeks until the New Year how will you activate a growth mindset in your workforce to achieve great outcomes for all? 

Grab a mince pie and Click Here to hear Carol Dweck talk about “Developing a Growth Mindset Culture in organisations” for inspiration. 

Take a look at our Mindset Indicator Monitor.

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April 26, 2024

Cultivating culture in organisations is leadership choice

Always nice to be recognised.

In ‘The Herald’, Laura Gordon writes why cultivating a culture in organisations is a leadership choice.

To read the article, click on the link below.


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Management & Development

April 26, 2024

Masters In Minds launch new Learning as a Service solution

Now, more than ever, it is important that businesses put a tangible emphasis on developing the people within their workforce.

It is with the future very firmly in their sights that Masters In Minds has released their Learning as a Service (LaaS) solution called MiM LaaS.

MiM LaaS is intended to be used as a hybrid, LAAS solution that offers online development and e-learning for all key elements of business and people development.

Following 18 months of designing, developing, and testing, MiM LaaS is prime for use by those businesses who don’t have the bandwidth or skillset to support their workforce in the ways they need. Perhaps the business is having difficulties attracting and retaining talent, or an unmotivated workforce, or alternatively processes and procedures that are unsuitable due to a lack of investment in people. The option is to outsource entirely as a full service, or alternatively using People Partner solutions like MiM LaaS. The MiM LaaS solution will transform untapped potential into unbeatable talent.

Stephen McCann, Director of Masters In Minds commented:

“We are delighted to bring MiM LaaS to the market. We believe through learning today, you can be prepared for what the future may hold tomorrow. Our bespoke blend of distance learning, coaching and good old-fashioned, in-person facilitation is the perfect partnership to help your business grow to new heights. Our unique blend of experienced facilitators and subject matter experts combined with this LaaS solution will provide organisations with the opportunity to experience high-quality consultancy services at a fraction of the price.”


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Ignite your organisation's potential with us. Our experienced consultants are ready to help you enhance efficiency, boost growth, and create a thriving workplace culture. With cutting-edge tools like Mindset Indicator Monitor, MiMLaaS, and Johari360, we offer tailored solutions to meet your unique needs. Whether you're looking to improve employee engagement, streamline operations, or develop leadership skills, we're here to support you every step of the way. Don't wait—reach out today and discover how we can transform your business. Chat with us now and start your journey to success!