Social & Third Sector

Masters in Minds is well-equipped to support the social and third sector, including organisations in social housing, by providing tailored solutions that drive impact and sustainability in their missions.


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Genius Solutions

We specialise in optimising processes and operations to maximise efficiency and effectiveness. For social housing organisations, this could involve improving the customer's experience with improved customer experience skills training, improved maintenance processes, or tuning the customer contact centre and its processes. By identifying inefficiencies and implementing best practices, we help organisations deliver better services with limited resources.


We can assist organisations in the social and third sectors in developing strategic plans that deliver the best possible customer experience that aligns with their mission and goals. ... Read More

Some Examples of Our 'How'

Process Improvements

Process Improvements

By focusing on the customer's needs and expectations, businesses can ensure that their process ...
Management 3.0

Management 3.0

Our Management 3.0 training is designed to equip managers with modern methodologies that prioritise ...
Customer Journeys

Customer Journeys

Our Customer Journey uncovering workshops delve deep into understanding client experiences, mapping ...
Leadership 3.0

Leadership 3.0

Our programme equips leaders with the skills, insights, and tools needed to ...
Performance Improvements

Performance Improvements

We deliver performance improvements by reducing cost-to-serve and elevating CSAT and NPS scores. ...
Tone of Voice Scripts

Tone of Voice Scripts

With meticulous expertise, we craft customer-centric communication that resonates across ...
Sales strategy

Sales Strategy

Developing a robust sales strategy begins with a thorough understanding of the market landscape. ...
Coaching Programme

Coaching Programme

The Masters in Minds Coaching Programme offers comprehensive training in coaching methodologies, ...

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Reduced customer demand by 50% & increased C-Sat scores in a Customer Experience Programme

Masters in Minds is dedicated to empowering social and third-sector organisations, including those in social housing, to achieve their missions and create positive change in communities. It aligns with our values and our positive contribution to society. Through our comprehensive approach, we help organisations enhance their operational efficiency, strategic effectiveness, capacity, and impact, ultimately contributing to a more equitable and sustainable society.


Other Services

Training Courses / Programmes

Through our comprehensive training solutions, we foster growth, cultivate excellence, and drive measurable results.

MiM Digital

MiM Digital empowers organisations to unlock their full potential and achieve their goals using our digital platforms.

Organisational Audits

Our comprehensive audit services are designed to provide organisations with valuable insights and actionable recommendations.


Feature Insights

Mindset, Attitudes and Behaviours

April 29, 2024

Happiness & Wellbeing

Are happiness, well being, & engagement worthy of a place in your strategy?


“You don’t build a business, you build people and then people build the business”
– Vince Lombardi


Do we really need to be happy in the workplace? Isn’t it asking for a bit too much? Shouldn’t we just get on with the job? And wouldn’t we just be less efficient if we were all having a good time? Then again, what if my happiness gets in the way of someone else’s? And is my happiness at work my responsibility or my employer’s?

Unhappy employees outnumber happy ones by two to one, according to a Gallup report. At what cost? The fact is, happier people are more productive. A very modest 1% increase in productivity would benefit a company of say 200 employees by £80,000. Happier people are healthier people. A decrease in sickness absence by just 1 day per employee would benefit the same company £33,333.

Happier employees don’t leave as often. Just a 10% reduction in staff turnover would benefit the same company £51,200. People like to belong to something, we look for meaning in our lives. We can create environments where people thrive versus survive – where there is the opportunity to be a whole person rather than leave half yourself at home.

More than ever people feel a need to align with others, with ideas and companies that make them feel they are part of something bigger than themselves. A sense of purpose, a reason for being, and the answer to the question “Why is this a good place to be?” Today, in particular, for our Gen Z'ers, their idea of good is shaped by an increased awareness of their own needs, beliefs, interests, and aspirations – a heightened concern for the planet and empathy for its people.

People are now, more than ever, seeking out employers that clearly state – and live out – their meaningful ambition for the greater good. They want to feel their jobs are creating good for themselves, the company, and for the world. That’s what makes many of us happy = engaged = productive = doing good.


“If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.”
– Albert Einstein.


What are the levels of meaningfulness in your organisation? How does it correlate with your engagement levels – people and customers/clients?

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Mindset, Attitudes and Behaviours

April 29, 2024

‘Gratitude is the sign of noble souls’

“Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.”
Melody Beattie


… the idiom goes. At first thought, we might think ok it’s just a saying, but there’s science behind this idiom that does prove that we are happier and more contented people the more gratitude and appreciation that we display.

It is simply because gratitude opens more doors to relationships, and so just saying thank you and really meaning it at least four times a day will strengthen our relationships and add meaning to any interactions.

Our physical health improves because gratitude reduces the amount of toxins in our body

We feel less resentment and anger which effectively enhances happiness and reduces depression. People who appreciate and spread gratitude have more empathy and reduced aggression because they are more contented and therefore less likely to seek revenge.

People with gratitude also sleep much better especially if they jot down before bed a few things they feel gratitude for, or appreciative of. And of course, it enhances your mental strength, as a 2003 study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that it increases your resilience – something we could all do with at this particular time.

I’d like to share with you below, a great diagram lifted from an unknown source on the web – thank you in advance, whoever you are. I am grateful!

Gratitude model during Covid19

Where are you?

Wherever you are actively practicing gratitude, even if it doesn’t feel real to begin with WILL make a difference. Just experiment with it.

Find a purpose for our days; live in the present no matter what it looks like; be appreciative of others; and just be Grateful for every person in our lives right now.

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April 26, 2024

The 2023 Book Reset

The 2023 Book Reset: freshen your mind with our top three books.

Masters in Minds LOVE books – not only is it one of the best ways to fill your time, you can learn so much from books. Remember: you don’t need to read non-fiction to learn new things! However, the following books will be a few of our non-fiction recommendations as our books are chosen to complement our services. Before we jump into our recommendations, we’d like to tell you reasons why reading is amazing. There are numerous benefits to reading, that are backed by science, such as:  

  • Improved mental health 
  • Expands your vocabulary
  • Increased brainpower 
  • Broadens imagination 

Those are my favourite reasons, but there are many more reasons to encourage you to read.  

Our first 2023 recommendation is ‘Think Like a Monk: The Secret of How to Harness the Power of Positivity and Be Happy Now’ by Jay Shetty. For anyone who does not know Jay Shetty, he is a social media superstar and host of the number-one health-related podcast, ‘On Purpose.’ Shetty takes the timeless wisdom he learned as a practising monk, in the Vedic tradition, into practical steps to live a less anxious, more momentous life. Pulling from ancient wisdom and his experience in the Ashram, Think Like a Monk teaches readers how to fight negative thoughts and habits and find peace in life.  

It is easier said than done, but there is a choice to change your life – you do not have to, but you can choose to. If your mind is constantly fixated on the negative side of life, it will be challenging to change your life. However, if you view life positively, you will more often see the positive in each situation. Jay Shetty’s book is a great read if you are motivated to change your mindset.  

Our second recommendation is quite fitting with today’s time. ‘Remote Work Revolution: Succeeding from Anywhere’ by Tsedal Neeley. Homeworking has been revolutionary – it offers flexibility, comfort, and some may argue that it saves money! However, of course, managers may have anxiety over leading virtually as it’s difficult to establish a relationship with someone you cannot see. Remote Work Revolution answers eight questions managers may ask – Neelay provides evidence-based answers to develop actionable plans and deliver results that may have previously been out of reach.  

We can appreciate being a leader/manager is not easy, let alone a virtual one – so this is the perfect book for leaders out there. Get answers to those difficult questions! 

One of our old favourites, which is always worth revisiting! ‘Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don’t’ by Simon Sinek. It would feel like a crime to leave one of Simon Sinek’s books out of our 2023 recommendations! Simon Sinek investigates great leaders from Marine Corps Officers, who do not just sacrifice their place at the table but often their comfort and even their lives for those in their care. Sinek draws on examples from Apple, Goldman Sachs, GE, Walmart, Microsoft, and many other organisations, including the US Congress, to show that collaboration and cooperation in pursuit of a meaningful vision work much better than quick fixes and headline-grabbing behaviours. 

Sinek wants the readers to imagine a world where almost everyone wakes up inspired to go to work and return to work feeling fulfilled. He discusses how a leader can exactly do that.  

That’s all for our 2023 recommendations – however, our suggestions continue. Head over to our ‘books’ page to find more interesting reads. If something stands out that you want to implement into your business, reach out to us – leadership development, mindset growth, and remote working are a part of our many specialisms!  

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Customer Experience

April 26, 2024

The Pen Concept

The Pen Concept: How to strengthen the relationship with a customer virtually. 

MiM does not use labels; we do not want to refer to people by their job titles as they are more than a ‘customer assistant’ or ‘call handler.’ These titles are just a description of the role, and leaders may see numerous advantages when they view their team members beyond their roles. However, there will be more information on labels next month – stay tuned for this blog!  

People who have customer conversations via the web or telephone have a difficult job compared to people who have face-to-face customer conversations. It is difficult to understand a customer when you cannot see their body language – there can often be miscommunication or lost information. Interacting with customers via phone/internet means that you are connected with the customer at all stages of the business relationship; therefore, you may be the only representative of an organisation with whom the customer will communicate, which is a lot of pressure as your actions can make or break an organisation’s relationship with a customer.  

Arguably, it is easier to deal with an enquiry face-to-face. The answer is instant – According to RingCentral (cloud-based communications), most people will spend around 40 days of their life waiting on hold with a call centre. Talkdesk (browser-based call centre) found that the average call centre hold is roughly 13 minutes, which does not include the time it takes to solve the enquiry – that does add to a customer’s frustration. Telephone/internet enquiries are a lot of work – dealing with angry customers and difficult enquiries can be draining.  

However, most of the time, you can switch it around by using a simple concept: The Pen Concept. When customers are frustrated, they hand you their pen (metaphorically) to take. When you acknowledge their pen and take it, you create a space in their head for them to understand your ideas. However, you’re not easing their frustrations if you do not take the pen. Watch the video below to see an example:  


Where customers have spent a lot of time on hold, their first complaint will almost always be regarding their waiting time. To ease the customer, take the pen from them by acknowledging them and empathising. Customers love relatability – it’s human to connect. Once you have taken the pen from them, you can control the call and influence their thoughts as you’ve taken away their blockade.  

Although it is easier said than done, having a positive approach to each call can influence the process and an advisor’s experience. However, dealing with difficult calls and customers needs to be taught. As you can imagine, you may struggle to perform exceptionally if there is no support to deal with the stress and pressure. It is down to the leaders to help the advisors adapt to each call. Providing customer advisors with the knowledge and skills to run through different calls is pivotal. 

Masters in Minds offers bespoke training for any type of customer service employee. Using the pen method, along with many other methodologies, skills and tools. Our facilitators teach people how to rapport the customers experience and ensure they leave the conversation in a better space than they started, whatever the issue.  Get in touch to benefit from our experienced facilitators teaching your employees the art of customer service. 

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