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In traditional oil, we have assisted global organisations in optimising their operations through a Global People Development Programme and arranging and hosting bi-annual Global Strategy Events for 30 senior officers in Switzerland.


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We redesigned an organisation's sales force from old energy to new using Business Logic

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Feature Insights


April 29, 2024

73% say their C-Suite rarely, if ever work together on projects or strategic initiatives.
The world of work is facing dramatic change driven by technology, demographic shifts, and the evolving expectations of talent. Most recently, we have also witnessed a profound shift in the mindset of organisations, and the role they are expected to play within wider society.
Senior leaders can’t afford to work in silos in today’s complex, dynamic environment. The goal is to act as a symphony of experts playing in harmony—instead of a cacophony of experts who sound great alone, but not together. Consciously creating their strategies, aligning their goals and objectives, prioritising, implementing, and ensuring the culture is enabling and engaging.

The global survey of more than 11,000 business and HR leaders across 124 countries, reveals 10 areas for businesses to focus on to better organise, manage, develop, and align people at work. (Deloitte)

   The symphonic c-suite.
   People data.
   From careers to experiences.
   Hyper-connected workplace.
   New rewards.
   Citizenship and social-impact.
   AI, robotics, and automation.
   The longevity dividend.
   The workforce ecosystem.

Previously Deloittes’ 2016 ‘Global Human Capital Trends 2016: The New Organisation: Different by Design, led with a very telling statistic:


“82% of leaders say they believe that ‘culture’ is a competitive advantage, yet fewer than 1 in 3 executives say they understand their own organisational culture”.

Think about that for a moment… whatever it turns out this mysterious substance called ‘culture’ is…eight out of ten people say it’s a competitive advantage, to be grasped or missed…but seven out of ten don’t know what it looks like, sounds like, or feels like. What chance of grasping that competitive advantage? How do you address the newly defined 10 focus areas if you don’t know your starting point?


Leadership models are changing, as organisations dismantle the classic management pyramid, we are now in the dawning of the ‘symphonic c-suite’. ‘Teams leading Teams’. End of the Silo. Technology and business disruption are fuelling the demand for a “new organisation”. Social enterprise. Catering to the employee experience is a top priority for business and HR leaders. Experience and well-being v career.

So: leadership, organisation design and capability, technology, and how people ‘feel’ are important. What else do we know? What is the ‘culture’ stuff? Before the 2018, 2016 research – the 2015 report gave us a good insight:

‘Organisations that create a culture defined by meaningful work, deep employee engagement, job and organisational fit, and strong leadership are outperforming their peers and will likely beat their competition in attracting top talent’.

How do we create meaningful work? How do we engage people? How does a C-suite be a symphony? How do we create experiences vs careers? Where do we place well-being in the priorities?

Here’s a thought for you: We need to get real…culture is the way we do things around here. Get a handle on your baseline.

Culture is tangible and measurable. It is not just something that is printed on a card and distributed to staff, turned into posters, molded into a coaster, branded into a coffee mug, or used to decorate the front of a t-shirt…yes, that’s been tried…as has singing the company song. This is all good stuff for the suppliers who make this stuff, and maybe even for the local choirmaster, and it’ll keep a few souls busy in the marketing and people department (departments are no longer required. Remember, teams leading teams)…none of the above creates the culture. Why not?

Because whether you are a member of the 30% who thinks they understand their culture, or whether you are one of the puzzled and curious 70% that don’t…your people will believe what you do, not what you say. If you are a leader that’s how you create and reinforce your culture on a daily basis, whether you are consciously attempting to do so, or are blissfully unaware of how important you are.


Culture is how we think and do things around here – a behavioural expression of the things we value, a procedural expression, a structural expression…a leadership expression. You can’t lie about it…because actions speak louder than words. The more senior you are, the more your own actions and decisions are scrutinised and measured against what you say you’re about.


Your organisational culture, whether you like it or not, understand it or not, will reflect you.

Culture is an outcome.

PS : Culture is not soft.
The Evidence, the excellent report from Engage for Success, states that companies with engagement scores in the top quartile have twice the net profit of those in the bottom quartile. This stat is being quoted but is it being acted upon across a wide enough community of organisations?

Culture is a living thing, being shaped all the time, whether actively or passively – consciously or unconsciously.

Repeat – Culture is an outcome.

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April 29, 2024

I am Gen Z

Cynical with an addiction to technology and a habit of multi-tasking…welcome to Generation Z.

For most companies, the idea of having to adapt their managing styles and environment to prepare for the ever-growing influx of Generation Z employees is a daunting idea considering most have just gotten used to the Millennials.

The generation before brought more relaxed company structures, an ambition to quickly progress in their career, a sense of idealism, and a willingness to move on from an organisation if it isn’t working for them. Through this, innovative companies such as Google were formed which completely broke out of the norm of a company environment increasing the satisfaction of employees and productivity considerably.

So the question on everyone’s mind is…What will the next generation bring?

Generation Z is anyone from the age of seven to twenty-one, meaning that the older half of this generation (myself included) are just starting to enter the business world. Currently, in the United States, just over 25% of the workforce is made up of people from this generation and that’s estimated to reach a third in just three years time (2020). Research has found a number of qualities prevalent in the majority of Generation Z from things like their ‘addictions’ to technology to their increased importance being placed on privacy.


The stereotype of this generation constantly being on some sort of technological device is closer to the truth than most would like to admit with many teens placing it in the same category as air and water importance-wise.

At first, this seems ridiculous however this could be turned into a huge economical advantage for businesses across the world. In 2015, the CMO Survey asked marketers how they show the impact of social media on their business; only 15% cited they have been able to prove the impact quantitatively proving that most companies are missing the mark when it comes to technology.

Surely managers should be using the wave of the Gen Zs?

I am suggesting that instead of criticising the amount of time this generation spends on their devices surely we should be directing it in a more productive manner.

Business is not the only place in which technology, in particular social media, is becoming increasingly important. Look at political events such as the American presidential election; love him or hate him Donald Trump’s tweets were the talk of the majority of news outlets throughout the election. Not only that but we saw people from across the world engaging in debates on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and even Snapchat. If this doesn’t convince you of the power of social media surely the fact that 11,000 votes were cast for effectively a viral meme, Harambe (RIP), in the actual election.

Multi-tasking is another key area that companies are not taking enough advantage in this generation. The famous saying that multi-tasking is actually multi-failing is definitely a thing of the past, the ability to complete different tasks effectively is something that could massively increase the productivity of businesses and public sector organisations.

Given the current productivity levels in the US and UK and the negative impact on GDP it’s worth considering.

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April 26, 2024

Internal Communications: build trust and breed confidence

Six tips and three Golden Rules for internal communications in 2021 

What a rollercoaster of a year for internal communications. Unfortunately, there is no ‘how-to guide’ to navigate the challenges COVID-19 has thrown at businesses and their people. Consequently, operating in a pandemic has meant living alongside ongoing uncertainty. As a result, we look to leadership to make decisions, communicate them effectively and provide reassurance. From Government briefings to Team calls and Family quizzes, the need to feel safe and belong has never been clearer. And now our business leaders have a key part to play in the psyche of the UK workforce.

Great leaders have empathy

Exceptional leaders know that going through hard times make people stronger. They encourage and support those people to push on. By recognising their role and responsibilities beyond business, they turned to their values to drive authentic communication and build trust.

Consistent and clear

For Business Leaders, being forced to make fast and impactful choices based on limited information has been extremely stressful. As a result, leadership was tasked with landing the three key business priorities:

  1. Business Continuity – being honest about where things stood, not afraid to show vulnerability, and maintaining transparency.
  2. Public Health Information – kept things clear, simple and frequent. Focussing on safety then repeat, repeat, repeat.
  3. Driving positivity in uncertain times – sharing positive stories and creating uplifting moments to reignite a weary workforce.

The communication axis will shift again as we move into recovery. Financial insecurity, instilling resilience, sharing reasons to be optimistic, and hope will all play their part to build momentum. Importantly, authenticity will be key to unlocking the levels or engagement required to kick start 2021.

Why Does Authenticity Matter?

Because it's far easier to be yourself than it is to be the person you think others want to see!

Of course, there are many benefits to being authentic. First and foremost, research has shown that authentic leaders are more trusted and believable. As a result, that trust builds up the leader’s credibility and breeds confidence in their capability and intentions – this, in turn, motivates greater engagement. The Institute of Internal Communication (IOIC) found that 76% of respondents reported that the pandemic has positively impacted trust in leaders.   

Internal communications


Internal communications have changed rapidly.


What can we learn from 2020 to improve communication and maintain trust in 2021?


Six things to consider

  1. First of all, consider different formats to convey your messaging. HR staff have reported that video updates and webinars have been more effective than emails.

  2. Secondly, encourage and listen to employees' views through many channels. This could be through managers, internal social media, surveys, and polls.

  3. Consider a “Remote Workers Response Team”. They will be focused on asking staff about their concerns/questions and communicate the answers, transparently, throughout the organisation.

  4. In order to avoid online weariness, try picking up the phone.

  5. Additionally, encourage virtual social activities! For example: lunch and learns, coffee breaks, online exercise classes, and happy hours. As a result, employees are helped to overcome social isolation.

  6. Finally, support employees to maintain their work-life balance while working remotely. It’s widely reported that remote workers can be logged on for two or three hours more per day. Conduct research and offer flexibility to fit around your employees' lives!


Three Golden Rules

  1. Communicate frequently and well.
  2. Ask for input from employees.
  3. Above all, be transparent.


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April 26, 2024

Goodbye to the Bezos and Bransons of the world; hello to the Rihannas and Beckhams of the world
goodbye to the bezos, hello to the rihanna's

Goodbye to the Bezos and Bransons of the world; hello to the Rihannas and Beckhams of the world.

New research by Natwest reveals the ‘Top 10 UK Modern Business Icons’ list according to Brits aged 18-30, and it hasn’t got the names you’d expect. 64% of 18 – 30-year-olds want to be an entrepreneur or run their own business in the future – with the main reasons being wanting to make a lot of money (40%), having more control over their work/life balance (39%) and the cost-of-living crisis (38%).  

A decade ago, you’d expect to see the likes of Alan Sugar, Jeff Bezos, and Richard Branson, as the traditional meaning of entrepreneur is, of course, someone who takes business risks, and their role is predominately being the CEO of the company. Fast forward to 2022, the meaning of ‘entrepreneur’ has developed. It is now a broader and more diverse title.  

The most fitting icons for the traditional meaning would be Steven Bartlett and Elon Musk – someone from the traditional business world. However, that does not mean the rest of the list members are less credible. The rise of social media has paved the way for ‘creator CEOs.’ According to young Brits, their ‘modern business icons’ include reality stars, music stars, and athletes.  

So, let’s unpack the Natwest research with our thoughts. 

So, what is a ‘modern business icon?’  

According to the participants, a ‘modern business icon’ is ‘relatable’ (31%), ‘stylish’ (29%), and ‘hard-working’ (28%). They are an interesting choice of words. Why were they described like that? The most obvious answer would be social media, which all icons, and most of the general population, have in common – making them relatable. Another common attribute is that all the icons are, to some extent, celebrities, making them stylish. The icons are hard-working as their sole occupation is entrepreneurs; they are incredibly versatile. For instance, the top icon is Rihanna: a multi-award-winning singer, actress, and businesswoman. So, it is clear why Gen Z looks up to them.  

Gen Z sees itself in these icons – like them, their icons are working more than two jobs. The study found that over four in ten (44%) of young Brits consider themselves entrepreneurial – mirrored by 44% having two or more jobs, with more than half (54%) already having run or currently running their own business or side hustle. 

The research found that 64% of 18 – 30-year-olds want to be an entrepreneur or run their own business in the future – with the main reasons being wanting to make a lot of money (40%), having more control over their work/life balance (39%), and the cost-of-living crisis (38%).  

As you can see, the younger generation, particularly Gen Z, view the workplace differently. They view leadership from a digital/pop culture perspective, which is why businesses need to be ready.  The Natwest study found that 44% of young Brits consider themselves entrepreneurial – mirrored by 44% having two or more jobs, with 54% already having run or currently running their own business or side hustle. Employers tend to have an expectation that an employee must devote their time to their job – Gen Z will not accept that mentality and would expect their employer to provide balance. 


What do you think of The Top 10 Global Modern Business Icons? Do they inspire you?

Here is what a few of our team members thought:

Sadia: Most of the top ten icons inspire me. These successful individuals prove that you don’t need to stick to your niche. Many may question their credibility as entrepreneurs, as they didn’t have ‘real’ business experience before expanding their brand – however, that is encouraging as it shows that you don’t need the experience to become an entrepreneur; knowledge and passion can get you started. Furthermore, this list is a reflection of the diversity across the world. This list may not have been as diverse as it is now compared to a decade ago. Rihanna and Beyonce – two black women – sit at the top; that’s pretty empowering, if you ask me. 

Rachel: In the days of Branson, there weren’t many high-profile female entrepreneurs in the spotlight, so I’m incredibly heartened to see the increased female presence at the table. However, I cringe slightly that most of the females in the top 10 are in the beauty sector, due to celebrities marketing their own hair, makeup, or perfume brand. It’d be nice to see other successful female entrepreneurs from out with the entertainment industry in the top 10. But we know generation Z is particularly fixated on looks and the entertainment world. At just 13 years old my son has already been part of the barrage of teenagers desperately trying to get their hands on the much sought-after hydration drink ‘Prime’. Kids are selling it to their fellow pupils in schools at triple its price and sales have been limited to just three bottles per customer in most shops when they actually have it in stock. The drink itself is just okay, saved by its eye-catching packaging and quirky names for flavours such as Meta Moon. However, the real reason for the demand is its two creators, YouTube stars KSI and Logan Paul, who between them have more than 50 million subscribers. It is definitely the way of the future. Despite some reservations, I am pleased that social media and the internet in general have enabled and empowered people from all backgrounds to be successful. 

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