
By integrating the Mindset at the heart of our solution, Lean Six Sigma, Six Sigma training, management and leadership programmes, strategic colleague engagement initiatives, and waste reduction strategies, organisations can achieve synergy and maximise impact.


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Enhancing Manufacturing Excellence with Masters in Minds: A Comprehensive Approach


In the competitive landscape of manufacturing, achieving operational excellence while maximising productivity and minimising waste is paramount. Masters in Minds offers a multifaceted approach integrating Lean Six Sigma, Six Sigma training, management and leadership programs, strategic colleague engagement initiatives, and waste reduction strategies.


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Some Examples of Our 'How'

Lean Six Sigma Training

Lean Six Sigma Training

This advanced training is designed to equip professionals and organisations with the tools and ...
Process Improvements

Process Improvements

By focusing on the customer's needs and expectations, businesses can ensure that their process ...
Management 3.0

Management 3.0

Our Management 3.0 training is designed to equip managers with modern methodologies that prioritise ...
Leadership 3.0

Leadership 3.0

Our programme equips leaders with the skills, insights, and tools needed to ...

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Masters in Minds provides specialised training and support to help manufacturing organisations identify and eliminate various forms of waste, including overproduction, defects, waiting time, inventory excess, motion, transportation, and underutilised talent. Through process mapping, value stream analysis, and continuous improvement initiatives, organisations can streamline workflows, optimise resource utilisation, and minimise costs. By reducing waste, organisations improve efficiency and profitability and contribute to sustainability goals .


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MiM Digital empowers organisations to unlock their full potential and achieve their goals using our digital platforms.

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Feature Insights

Operational Excellence

April 29, 2024

5 Key Benefits of Continuous Improvement

We have highlighted the strong case for continuous improvement in business in our other blogs, but why is it so important, and what improvements does it bring? Take a look at the five key benefits below;


1. Enhanced Efficiency 

This leads to optimising processes, reducing waste, and increasing productivity. If you don’t analyse ways to improve, you risk remaining at the same efficiency level and miss a better, more profitable way to get the job done. Process improvement is investigating ways to work smarter, not harder, so you can perform tasks in a fraction of the time without compromising quality. 


2. Improved Quality 

Reviews and refinements contribute to higher-quality products and services. Companies that improve their processes invariably increase their value. Improvements lead to more sophisticated and more economically competitive offerings. With continuous improvement, teams can be held accountable for higher levels of quality, fine-tuning every aspect of the path to innovation. 


3. Increased Employee Satisfaction 

Involving employees in improvement processes leads to higher levels of engagement and job satisfaction. With Lean, employees are empowered to solve problems that hinder them day-to-day and make suggestions for improvement. Their idea can be carefully tested and, if successful, implemented company-wide. The employee is transformed from a passive to an active role in the business processes. This lowers turnover rates as employees who actively participate in the company’s success gain a sense of accomplishment and pride. It contributes to a greater sense of belonging and fewer reasons to leave the organisation. 


4. Better Customer Satisfaction 

Enhanced efficiency and quality lead to improved customer experiences and loyalty. While most tasks relating to process improvement seem to centre on internal optimisation, they flow to your customer-facing operations. The higher quality products and services equate to fewer calls to customer support. Faster delivery times mean happy, repeat buyers. Engaged team members also mean better customer outreach. 


5. Lower Costs 

How much money does your company spend on technology or processes that don’t add value? One of the main principles of Lean Management is finding waste areas and eliminating or reducing them if they don’t add value. Despite Lean’s origins being in the manufacturing industry, this can be applied to any industry today. It’s a simple notion of looking at processes and identifying what is necessary and unnecessary. The latter will be resource-draining. 

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Operational Excellence

April 26, 2024

Order to Cash Process Improvement

Order to cash is one of the organisation’s most crucial and potentially complex processes that touches every function in an organisation. Yet often, it is discounted by executives. Essentially, this is a set of business processes that involve receiving and fulfilling customer requests, whether for goods or services.

There are many ways this system can become overcomplicated, costly, and inefficient. As it is common for organisations to have different systems, the misalignment between the two systems can cause problems when a merger or acquisition occurs. Similarly, when organisations expand into other countries, their cash systems may require adaptation to local procedures, regulations, and practices. This causes people pain resulting in low morale, disengagement, sickness, and people choosing to leave the business.

Does any of this sound familiar to you?



An effective order-to-cash system is fundamental to operational excellence customer experience and can even increase revenue by reducing additional expenses caused by inefficiency. There are three measurable differences once an effective order-to-cash system is introduced;

  1. Reduction in the cost to serve.
  2. Increased staff morale and engagement.
  3. Increase in customer satisfaction.

Luckily, Masters in Minds have years of experience simplifying and streamlining organisations orders to a cash system, specialising in creating uniformity across global and expanding organisations. Does your organisation have outdated systems/processes that waste time, resources, and money? Or have you grown your organisation so fast that the methods that were once appropriate are now failing? If so, get in touch today to see how we can help.

Business Benefits to an optimised order to cash process

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Change Management

April 26, 2024

Change is resisted because it can be painful.

Life has been full of change for everyone; it has not been consistent for a while; ‘normal’ has an entirely different meaning from what it was three years ago. However, what is constant is change. During these turbulent times, change happens faster than ever in the business world; therefore, learning has to happen even more quickly.

The pandemic, technological innovations, and changes in consumer expectations and industry regulations are a few of the significant evolutions in the business world; change is continuing to accelerate as the way the business world operates adapts to each change coming its way.

New technologies can replace old ones, cut prices, lost jobs, and discontinued investments. However, if a change is not implemented effectively, it can be detrimental to the organisation, its colleagues, and customers. Not only will it reduce business productivity, but it will affect colleagues personally and professionally.

However, The Mindset Indicator Monitor™ can help. Carefully curated by our team of experts, it is a diagnostic tool that generates intelligent insight to enable an organisation to devise a strategic plan to deliver change or transformation effectively. Using carefully crafted questions, the tool formulates an outcome based on the answers. It then develops the mindset, traits, behaviours, and sayings related to a specific mindset. The tool takes less than 5 minutes for an individual to complete, then gets to work crunching the data to compile the insight required for an organisation to consider and act upon. If an entire culture transformation is required, The Mindset Indicator Monitor™ will provide an overview of the roadmap of activities necessary to deliver this successfully, which is delivered via a one-day Insights Workshop for the key stakeholders.

The detailed reports compare and contrast across sectors, departments, campaigns, locations, tenure, age, and many other factors. Our skilled experts will analyse the reports and provide feedback on the themes and patterns. The experts will advise on the optimum interventions that will support the delivery of the business strategies and goals.

Our passion and expertise in people development and business growth inspired The Mindset Indicator Monitor™. We drew from our experience working with people at all levels of business and leading them and organisations through the transformations and change required to innovate and grow.

The Mindset Indicator Monitor ™ exposes the challenges – the insight provides the know-how and intelligence that specifies the required interventions.

Get in touch today to implement The Mindset Indicator Monitor™ in your organisation.

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April 26, 2024

No Rules Rules: Netflix and the Culture of Reinvention Review.

No Rules Rules: sounds and is a paradox. ‘No Rules Rules: Netflix and the Culture of Reinvention’ details the fast transformation of Netflix from DVD mail orders to instant streaming. Netflix has a unique culture by rejecting the acceptable beliefs under which most companies operate. Despite having, what seems like, a strange culture; Netflix has thrived and revolutionised the entertainment industry. From abolishing financial approvals to unlimited holidays, Netflix runs in a completely different way – one that is, arguably, more untuned with the fast-paced world. Reed Hastings, the author and Netflix Chairman and CEO, shares his leadership philosophy.

Netflix appears to operate under a substantial amount of rules, some tactical and some spelled out. However, they are ‘informal’ rules. Rather than a rules framework, managers have to be more hands-on; they discuss with their teams what type of behaviour is ‘acceptable and appropriate.’  Expenses do not need to be approved, but employees are fired if there is ‘money business.’ Hastings argued that ‘when employees realise their managers are keeping an eye on expenses, they aren’t likely to test the limits much.’

However, although Netflix’s culture is fascinating, there are some troublesome aspects. Netflix has a ‘No Vacation Policy’, popularly known as ‘unlimited vacation.’ The policy puts employees in charge of deciding when they want to work and when they want to take a break. Although that allows employees freedom and flexibility, it can undermine employee freedom. The policy can lead to a culture of no one taking a vacation, which is already so prevalent in the professional industry. However, Hastings explains where many companies that try to implement the policy go wrong, and how a little emotional intelligence can help you make it right.

However, despite the controversy, the policy has not reduced Netflix’s success. So, what’s the secret?

Hastings explains that it is down to the leaders to lead by example. ‘When you remove a policy, employees don’t know how to operate with the absence,” writes Hastings. ‘If you don’t tell them, ‘Take some time off,’ they won’t. Others will imagine they have complete freedom to behave in wildly inappropriate ways, like going on vacation at a time that causes pain to everyone else.’ He continues, “In the absence of a written policy, every manager must spend time speaking to the team about what behaviours fall within the realm of the acceptable and appropriate.”

Not every employee will have the same perception. Thus, it is pivotal for managers to communicate and set parameters consistently – Hastings uses quarterly meetings to accomplish that. Hastings writes, ‘whenever I hear stories floating around about people not taking time off, it’s time to put vacations on the agenda of a [quarterly] meeting,’ he writes. ‘This gives me an opportunity to talk about the type of environment we aspire to have and gives our leaders a chance to discuss, in small groups, techniques they use in order to achieve a healthy work-life balance for our workforce.’

Hastings argues that an ‘unlimited vacation’ policy can empower your people, increase employee satisfaction, and be a powerful recruiting tool when done right. It reduces bureaucracy and administrative costs, and, according to Hastings, it helps attract and retain top talent, ‘especially Gen-Z-ers and Millennials, who resist punching clocks.’

So, it is down to emotional intelligence: a powerful tool to use to execute policies.

Is there a policy that your organisation has that is not proving successful?

Get in touch, and we can find ways for your policy to be successful.


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Ignite your organisation's potential with us. Our experienced consultants are ready to help you enhance efficiency, boost growth, and create a thriving workplace culture. With cutting-edge tools like Mindset Indicator Monitor, MiMLaaS, and Johari360, we offer tailored solutions to meet your unique needs. Whether you're looking to improve employee engagement, streamline operations, or develop leadership skills, we're here to support you every step of the way. Don't wait—reach out today and discover how we can transform your business. Chat with us now and start your journey to success!